
Unlimited Websites
Advanced Viadat Addons
Basic Viadat Addons
Addons Platform Included
30% off 3rd-party Addons
Unlimited Locations
12 Months of Updates & Support
Support Forum


[tooltip content=”As long as subscription is active, add premium features to as many websites as needed.”]Unlimited[/tooltip] Websites
Advanced [tooltip content=”Addons created by Viadat, not 3rd-party developers.”]Viadat[/tooltip] Addons
Basic Viadat Addons
[tooltip content=”Addons Platform contains the API (application programming interface) that Store Locator uses to run nearly all addons. Additionally, it contains in-WP-dashboard documentation, development tools, and an API browser / debugging tools — helpful if interested in creating & selling your own addons.”]Addons Platform[/tooltip] Included
[tooltip content=”Addons created by other developers using the Addons Platform API.”]3rd-party[/tooltip] Addons
[tooltip content=”Manage as many locations as you need — no restrictions.”]Unlimited[/tooltip] Locations
12 Months of Updates & [tooltip content=”Direct support included.”]Support[/tooltip]
[tooltip content=”Priority Support Forum only visible to Master members, get checked and replied to first.”]Priority[/tooltip] Support Forum


Unlimited Websites
Advanced Viadat Addons
Basic Viadat Addons
Addons Platform Included
30% off 3rd-party Addons
Unlimited Locations
12 Months of Updates & Support
Support Forum


3 Websites

Basic Viadat Addons
Addons Platform Included
20% off 3rd-party Addons
Unlimited Locations
Purchase Support Seperately
Level Based on Purchase


[tooltip content=”As long as subscription is active, add premium features to as many websites as needed.”]Unlimited[/tooltip] Websites
Advanced [tooltip content=”Addons created by Viadat, not 3rd-party developers.”]Viadat[/tooltip] Addons
Basic Viadat Addons
[tooltip content=”Addons Platform contains the API (application programming interface) that Store Locator uses to run nearly all addons. Additionally, it contains in-WP-dashboard documentation, development tools, and an API browser / debugging tools — helpful if interested in creating & selling your own addons.”]Addons Platform[/tooltip] Included
[tooltip content=”Addons created by other developers using the Addons Platform API.”]3rd-party[/tooltip] Addons
[tooltip content=”Manage as many locations as you need — no restrictions.”]Unlimited[/tooltip] Locations
12 Months of Updates & [tooltip content=”Direct support included.”]Support[/tooltip]
[tooltip content=”Priority Support Forum only visible to Master members, get checked and replied to first.”]Priority[/tooltip] Support Forum


3 Websites

Basic Viadat Addons
Addons Platform Included
20% off 3rd-party Addons
Unlimited Locations
Purchase Support Seperately
Level Based on Purchase