Greetings All
Good to be back with WordPress Store Locator Version 2.0 — LotsOfLocales™. A great deal of work and feedback from many of you went into this product after learning many lessons since our launch date back in December 2008 — five years have certainly flown by.
100,000+ Downloads
Additionally, the Store Locator plugin recently reached 100,000 downloads on the WordPress plugin directory! In the same vein of celebrating the All-In-One SEO Pack plugin’s achievement of being the first WordPress plugin to reach 1 million downloads, also took a few screenshots to commemorate — however, simply completing all to-do’s for version 2.0 was reward enough.
More to Come
More to say in upcoming days, one of them being that it will be required to upgrade to WordPress Store Locator 2.0 (which now uses Google Maps API V3) quite soon, due to the fact that Google may be fully discontinuing Google Maps API V2 by November 19, 2013.
Lastly, all systems …
- Upgrade purchases
- Documentation
- Discussions / Forums
- Customizations / Custom-coding
… are either already up and running or should be by early this week. Currently updating details to reflect many of the new features brought to you by version 2.0 of the WordPress Store Locator. All the best … and enjoy it!